3 questions to… mash & co, an Italian Project Incubated at Plaine Images!

At the Plaine Images, we also welcome people from other regions, Mash & Co , an trans-media start-up that creates ludeducative content for children and parents, tells us how and why they are today At the Plaine Images !
In English, of race! 🙂

In What Way Did, Take Off#1 (Plaine Images's Incubator) Help you with?

We are part of the Plaine Images Incubator Thanks to the French Tech Ticket , The Program for Foreign Start-Us that seleled us to Join the French Eco-System in 2017 . Thanks to the Plaine Images We Got Access to An Extensive Network of Creative Industries Operating in the Region and in France . Also, with the help of plain Images, we go the hdfid (regional incubation background) to realize one part of our project, allowing us to improve our product .

Why Did You Choose Plaine Images?

We have seen a beauty and strategic place to stay in development Our Project, Very Near to Belgium, Paris, and the UK.

What is mash & co?

Mash & Co is a start-up and trans-media brand that creates Original Eduainment Content for Kids and Families . At first, we have created an app that put together cartoons and minigames all linked by one sycled, Based on the adventures of a mushroom Called mash and a snail Called periwinkle . We are focused on giving kids original stories conceived to be used on digital platforms and media .

Since we create our content with a trans-media approval, we are also working on the cartoon series  of the brand that pilot has been complete refcently. We have Already 1200,000 Dowloads.

Available on the AppStore and on Google Play

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