legal notices
Under article 6 of law n ° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, it is specified to users of the site The identity of the various stakeholders in the Framework for its realization and follow -up:
Owner : PLAINE IMAGES VILLE REOPLETE - SIRET 318 697 208 001 28 - 99a boulevard Descat 59200 Tourcoing. Such. = 33 (0) 3 20 29 89 50. Email:
Publication manager: Véronique Desamaison - Léa Florin
site host: OVH - 2 rue Kellerman - 59100 Roubaix
Site graphics : Agency Syb
General conditions for the use of the site and the services offered
The use of the site implies full acceptance of the general conditions of use described. These conditions of use may be modified or supplemented at any time, users of the site are therefore invited to consult them regularly.
This site is normally accessible to users at any time. An interruption due to technical maintenance may however be decided by Plaine Images, which will then endeavor to communicate to users before the dates and times of the intervention. site is updated regularly by the communication department. In the same way, the legal notices can be modified at any time: they nevertheless impose themselves on the user who is invited to refer to it as often as possible in order to learn about it.
Description of the services provided site is to provide information concerning all of the company's activities.
Plaine Images SEM Ville renewed strives to provide as precise information as possible However, it cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies and deficiencies in the update, whether it is its fact or because of the third party partners who provide it with this information.
All the information indicated on the site is given as an indication, and are likely to evolve. In addition, the information on the site is not exhaustive. They are given subject to changes that have been made since their online.
This site has been designed and developed by the Blaaaz agency, expert in the creation of websites
The site uses WordPress.
The website cannot be held responsible for material damage related to the use of the site. In addition, the user of the site undertakes to access the site using recent equipment, not containing viruses and with a lately generation browser.
Personal data protection policy
As part of its activity, SEM Ville is renewed Plaine Images is attentive to the protection of personal data of any person of which it is led to process personal data.
The purpose of this protection policy is to provide those concerned with the important information about how Plaine Images collects and processes your personal data and how you can exercise your rights. We invite you to read it carefully.
This personal data protection policy also aims to meet the requirements of the new regulations relating to the protection of personal data (General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) N ° 2016/679) entered into force on May 25, 2018 and to The Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 as modified by the law relating to the protection of personal data of June 20, 2018.
SEM Ville is renewed Plaine Images mainly processes the personal data of its customers and prospects of natural persons and those of employees, employees and managers of its customers and prospects.
We use this personal data in the cases provided for in the regulations in force:
- the execution of a contract that we have concluded with you and/or,
- compliance with a legal obligation and/or,
- your consent to the use of your data and/ or,
- The existence of a legitimate interest in using your data. The legitimate interest is a set of commercial or business reasons which justifies the use of your data by Plaine Images.
1. which is responsible for the processing of personal data?
The managers of the treatment mentioned by this document is the company SEM Ville renewed, Plaine Images, RCS Lille Metropole 318 697 208, whose head office is located 99a boulevard Descat 59200 Tourcoing and below called "Plaine Images".
The renewed SEM Ville is represented by Mr. Hubert Cunat, Managing Director and Mr. Emmanuel Delamarre, Director of Plaine Images.
2.What are the data we collect about you and under what circumstances collect them?
The data you transmit directly to us
On the occasion of the various contacts that we have with you, whether directly or through the contact sheet of our site, you may have to provide us with information that concerns you.
These data are in particular:
- Name, first name, civility,
- Email address, fixed and/or mobile phone number,
- Function exercised within the company.
The data we collect during our commercial relationship
The data that we collect during our commercial relationship with you are the following:
- Information relating to the history of your commercial relationship with plain images, order orders, space rentals, support, invoicing and payment missions,
- Your participation in offers,
- The requests you make to our customer service or the incidents you have pointed out, for example concerning the execution of our services.
The data that we automatically collect
During each of your visits to our site, we collect information relating to your connection and your navigation. Different technologies can be implemented to collect this data. The main one is the cookie.
Data collected through cookies
A cookie is a text file deposited when consulting a site, an application or an online advertising and stored in a specific space of the hard drive on your computer or your mobile device. Cookies are managed by your Internet browser and only the transmitter of a cookie can decide to read or modify the information contained therein.
A cookie has a limited validity period. Its deposit and storage on your terminal are made in compliance with the applicable legislation and subject to the choices that you have expressed and that you can modify at any time.
A cookie does not identify you personally. It allows its transmitter to recognize your terminal and collect a certain number of information relating to navigation carried out from this terminal.
Cookies have several functions, such as allowing you to navigate effectively on a site or application, remember your choices, goods and services you want to buy, offer you relevant advertising content according to your interest -expressed centers expressed when navigation.
You will find more information on cookies on the following sites:,,,
The cookies deposited by Plaine Images subject to your choices give us access in particular to the following information:
- Equipment identifiers you use (IP address of your computer),
- Type of operating system used by your terminal (Microsoft Windows, Apple OS, Linux, Unix, Beos, etc.),
- Type and version of the navigation software used by your terminal (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.),
- Dates and hours of connection to our services,
- Address of the Internet page of Provenance ("Retrite"),
- Navigation data on our services, content viewed.
Data collected by standard Internet technologies
We are also likely to use standard Internet technologies, such as scripts, pixels and redirects. The scripts (sometimes called tags), written in JavaScript language, are programs that run in your browser and carry out different actions, for example sending information to our servers. Scripts are also able to create pixels. Pixels (sometimes called transparent gifs, light or web-bugs) are lines of code that allow you to display a graphic image (generally invisible) on a web page or in an e-mail. Redirects make a web page available under several page addresses (URL). When a browser opens a redirection URL, a page with a different URL is open.
The purpose of these technologies is to improve your experience on our site, including to provide you with personalized content according to your interests.
These technologies give us access in particular to the following information:
- Information relating to your use of our site;
- Information relating to the presence of cookies on your terminal, on the time and date of consultation of a page, and a description of the page where the web tag is put;
- Information on the reading or not of the emails that we send to you, on the clicks that you make on the links contained in these emails.
Exclusion of any sensitive data
Plaine Images does not collect any sensitive data concerning you.
Are considered as sensitive data: data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical convictions, union membership, genetic, biometric data for identifying a natural person in a unique way, Data concerning health, sexual life or sexual orientation, data relating to criminal convictions or offenses, the single national identification number (NIR for France). If such information was in one way or another communicated to Plaine Images, it will be deleted.
3. For what reasons/purpose and on what legal basis personal data are processed?
Treatments made on the legal basis of the execution of our contractual obligations for the operations necessary for the provision of our services:
- Taking into account the order and execution order;
- Management and monitoring of orders;
- Customer relations management;
- Sending information on the modification or evolution of our services;
- Billing and perception of payments;
- Sending newsletters;
- Satisfaction surveys;
- Management of the exercise of your rights on your personal data.
Treatments made on the legal basis of your consent: marketing and commercial prospecting operations relating to plain images services
- Update, enrichment and deduction of your personal information in a dedicated Plaine Images database;
- Sending information on our activity;
- Sending offers relating to our services by e-mail;
- Personalized commercial prospecting actions;
- Collection of customer opinions;
- Development of commercial statistics;
- Removing cookies on your computer:
- Operation and optimization of navigation on our site
- Adaptation of the presentation of our site to the display preferences for your terminal (language used, display resolution, operating system, etc.) during your visits, depending on the hardware and visualization or reading software that your terminal includes;
- Memorization of information relating to a form that you have completed on our site or to services or information that you have chosen on our site (subscribed service, content consulted, etc.);
- Management of our platforms and realization of internal technical operations in the context of problem solving, data analysis, tests, research, analyzes, studies and polls;
- Implementation of security measures;
- Quality measurements to ensure that the display of our content is suitable for your device.
- Attendance and audience measurement
- Establishment of statistics and volumes of attendance and use of the various elements making up our site (sections and content visited, route) in order to improve the interest and ergonomics of our services;
- Determination of centers of interest and behaviors;
- Improvement of customer/user knowledge for personalization purposes.
- Operation and optimization of navigation on our site
Treatments made on the basis of the legitimate interest continued by Plaine Images:
- Statistical analyzes;
- Notice management;
- Prospecting operations;
- Management of requests for the right of access, rectification and opposition of personal data made by the persons concerned.
4.A that can be transmitted personal data?
- Plaine Images may have to transmit personal data to different categories of recipients:
- Internal Plaine Images Services : Personal data is transmitted to Plaine Images employees who need to process them for the purposes previously recalled. Access to your data is based on individual and limited access authorizations. Staff that can access your personal data is subject to a confidentiality obligation.
- Subcontractors and providers of Plaine Images : Personal data is transmitted to subcontractors Technical providers which act on behalf of Plaine Images (accommodation, maintenance, statistics) or as part of the execution of a specific service such as Eventbrite, Mailchimp, Sales Force, WordPress.
- The use of social networks to interact with our sites and applications (in particular the “share” buttons of Facebook, Twitter, Google +) is likely to cause data exchanges between plain images and these social networks. For example, if you are connected to the Facebook social network and consult a page on our site, Facebook is likely to collect this information. Likewise, if you consult our site and click on the "Tweet" button, Twitter will collect this information. We therefore invite you to consult the personal data management policies of the various social networks to know how to know the collections and processing they do on your data.
- Plaine Images undertakes not to give up personal data to third parties.
- Plaine Images may be required to communicate personal data to comply with a legal obligation, at the request of an administrative or judicial authority which would request it or for the exercise of a legitimate interest as the defense of its rights.
5.Combie n of time are personal data ?
Your personal data is kept for a period in accordance with the legal provisions or for a duration proportional to the purposes for which it has been recorded. Some conservation durations respond to the legitimate interest of Plaine Images.
Conservation durations vary depending on whether we have a relationship of a contractual nature in progress (you are an active customer), that we have had with you in the past a contractual relationship (you are an inactive customer) or that we never have had a relationship of this type with you (you are then a prospect).
The data related to your navigation on our online services collected by the cookies you have authorized have a specific shelf life of 13 months.
When their conservation is no longer justified by legal, commercial or managing your customer account, or if you have used a right of modification or erasure, we will delete them securely.
Plaine Images implements all technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of processing of personal data as well as their confidentiality.
To ensure the safety of personal data, in particular to prevent it from being distorted, damaged, or that unauthorized third parties have access to it, Plaine Images takes all the useful precautions, with regard to the nature of the data and the risks presented By processing (in particular by the physical protection of the premises, the implementation of authentication processes with personal and secure access via confidential identifiers and passwords, connections journalization, encryption of certain data…).
7.Vos data are transferred outside the European Union?
We keep your personal data in the European Union. However, it is possible that the data we collect when you use our platforms or as part of our services are transferred to subcontractors or commercial partners located in other countries. In the event of transfer of this type, we make sure that the treatment is carried out in accordance with this Privacy Policy which guarantee a sufficient level of protection of privacy and fundamental rights of people.
Providers who store data in the United States (and in particular Eventbrite, Mailchimp, Sales Force) respect the data protection shield, better known as "Privacy Shield". This self-certification mechanism for companies established in the United States has been recognized by the European Commission as offering an adequate level of protection to the personal data transferred by a European entity to companies established in the United States. This mechanism is therefore considered to be offering legal guarantees for such data transfers.
8.What are the rights of persons relating to the processing of their personal data?
- Depending on the treatments, customers and prospects of natural persons and employees, employees and managers of our customers and prospects legal benefit from the following rights:
- Right of access : Right to obtain confirmation that your personal data is or not processed by Plaine Images, and when it is, to obtain communication of information concerning you and which is processed by Plaine Images.
- Right of rectification : Right to obtain the rectification of inaccurate or incomplete information concerning you, and which are processed by Plaine Images.
- Right of opposition: right to oppose the processing of your personal data at any time:
- for prospecting, without justifying any particular reason;
- To all other ends, in relation to the treatments based on the legitimate interest of plain images, for reasons relating to your particular situation, except that plain images demonstrates that there are legitimate and imperious reasons for the treatment that prevail On your interests and rights and freedoms, or for the finding, exercise or defense of legal rights.
- Right to withdraw your consent : for treatments based on consent, right to withdraw the consent given for treatment at any time.
- Right of limitation of processing : right to suspend a processing of personal data while verification can be carried out (verification of the accuracy of information, legal basics of processing, legitimate patterns of plain images when you opposed to treatment), or when the treatment is illegal.
- Right to define directives relating to the fate of personal data after death : right to provide directives concerning the fate of your personal data after your death. In the absence of such guidelines, their heirs will be able, after your death, to exercise these rights on your personal data.
- Right to erasure or right to be forgotten : right to obtain the erasure by plain images from your personal data when one of the following reasons applies:
- The data is no longer necessary with regard to the purposes for which it has been collected;
- You remove your consent from treatment and there is no other legal basis for treatment;
- You oppose the processing of your personal data and there is no imperious legitimate reason for processing;
- The data is subject to illegal processing;
- The data must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation.
- Right to portability : Right to obtain the personal data provided to Plaine Images in a structured format, commonly used and readable by machine so that you can transmit them, or to ask Plaine Images to transmit them to another treatment manager. This right is applicable when the treatment is based on your consent or on the execution of a contract, and it is carried out using automated processes.
- Right to introduce a complaint to the National Commission for Data Protection (CNIL) : Right to submit a complaint to the CNIL if you consider that Plaine Images does not comply with the obligations provided for by the regulations relating to the Protection of personal data (to find out more: ). How can you exercise your rights relating to their personal data?
You can send to Plaine Images your request accompanied by a copy of your identity document at the following postal address: 99a boulevard Descat 59200 Tourcoing or by email:
10.What are your rights in terms of cookie acceptance and management?
- Your rights in terms of cookie acceptance and management
The recording of a cookie on your navigation terminal is subject to your will. You can modify your choices at any time in terms of acceptance or refusal of cookies deposited on your terminal, either on your browser or online with different operators.
In order to manage cookies as close as possible to your wishes, we invite you to configure your browser taking into account the purpose of cookies.
- How to exercise your choices?
- Make your choices on your browser. You can configure your navigation software either so that the acceptance or refusal of cookies is offered to you punctually, before a cookie is likely to be saved, or to systematically accept or refuse the recording of cookies in your terminal.
We alert you to the fact that any configuration on your navigation software concerning the refusal of technical cookies and functionalities will be likely to alter your comfort of navigation on our website, or even prevent the use of some of our services requiring The use of these same cookies.
If necessary, we decline any responsibility for the consequences linked to the degraded functioning of our website and our services resulting from the impossibility for us to record or consult the cookies necessary for their operation and that you would have refused or deleted.
For the management of cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will allow you to know how to modify your wishes in terms of cookies.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer:
- Microsoft Edge:
- Apple Safari:
- Google Chrome:
- Mozilla Firefox:
- Opera:
- Flash Flash Player Flash Cookies
Adobe Flash Player is a computer application that allows rapid development of dynamic content using flash computer language. Flash (and the same type applications) memorizes the parameters, preferences and the use of these contents thanks to technology similar to cookies. However, Adobe Flash Player manages this information and your choices with a different interface from that provided by your navigation software.
Insofar as your terminal is likely to visualize content developed with Flash language, we invite you to access your Flash cookie management tools, directly from the http: // www site.
- Do not track
You can also configure your browser so that it sends a code indicating to the websites that you do not want to be followed ("do not track" option).
- Microsoft Internet Explorer: = IE-11
- Microsoft Edge:
- Apple Safari:
- Google Chrome: https: //
- Mozilla Firefox: https: //
- Opera:
Make your choice online
- For audience measurement cookies and analytical cookies: analytical cookies allow us to obtain anonymous statistics of attendance from our site in order to optimize it and detect possible dysfunctions. They are deposited on our site by the company Google Analytics.
- Google Analytics cookies: https: //
- Cookies Atinternet: Preferences/
- Amplitude cookies:
- Charbeat cookies:
- Cookie Weborama: for "social networks" cookies
We use several sharing buttons on our site.
- To manage your data on Facebook:
- To manage your data on Twitter: use-des-cookies-et-technologies-similaires-par-twitter
- To manage your data on LinkedIn: https: // _L = fr_fr
Disable these cookies therefore prevents any interaction with social networks.