A new godfather for the Take Off incubator

Benoît Clerc in a few words:

With 30 years of experience in the game industry, Benoît Clerc has the head of the Edition Department of Bigben Interactive for 12 years. He has supported the creation and development of the Edition Department which has experienced rapid growth for several years, and which now positions Bigben among the world leaders of the "Mid-Publishing".

Before being a publisher, he held several positions in the sector, being in turn author, editor-in-chief and developer. He was also the founding president of the regional professional association Game in, professor of marketing and business in Rubika/Supinfogame, administrator of the SNJV, member of the Pictanovo jury and the FAJV commission at the CNC and vice-president of the French Tech Lille export in charge. He holds a Master 2 from EDHEC and a graduate of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program at the University of Stanford.

An idea? Do not wait to join the Take Off program

In the heart of the Lille metropolis, in Roubaix Tourcoing, Plaine Images accompanies future entrepreneurs within its incubator. A common program with three different routes dedicated to creative industries, video games and musictech.

In an ecosystem dedicated to entrepreneurship, the Plaine Images team provides all its resources and networks to take off the business projects!

Follow a program allowing creators to test, check and continue to innovate. With Take Off, you will be able to analyze, accompanied by experts, the viability of your idea on the market. Benefit from 6 -month support to prototyper and find your market

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For more information on the Take Off program
