April 14 / 4:30 pm: What challenges around metadata for the music industry?

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With the rise of paid streaming (+20% in 2020, 62% of world revenues of recorded music), the data is today critical for the music industry, whether for the constitution of the digital offer, identification of beneficiaries, or performance analysis. This workshop will take you an overview of key points linked to the use of data and metadata in the music industry!

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A UNPLUGGED event with Jean-Luc Bialet, CEO of Music Story

Jean-Luc Bialet is the founder of Music Story, a company that provides international licenses on musical metadata and related services to musical streaming platforms. He created Music Story 12 years ago, using his solid data engineering experience to build a 100% music team, bringing together all human and technical skills to resolve some of the countless problems related to treatment and enrichment of musical metadata. For Music Story, he acts as a member of Ddex, Musicbiz in the US, and is vice-president of the French union of online music services ( ESML , French Branch of Digital Music Europe, grouping members like Spotify, Deezer or Qobuz).

Unplugged is the event programming of the Plaine Images entirely dedicated to the Musictech. A series of interactive sessions with leaders in the music industry.
