3 questions to… mash & co, an Italian Project Incubated at Plaine Images!

At the Plaine Images, we also welcome people from other regions, Mash & Co, an Italian trans-media start-up that creates ludeducative content for children and parents, tells us how and why they are today At the Plaine Images! In English, of race! 🙂 In What Way Did, Take Off#1 (Plaine Images's Incubator) Help you with? We are part of […]
Game ux summit 2019 in plain images

Between Oct. 2 and Oct. 4, Plaine Images was the host of the 2019 #gameuxsummit! For Three Days, More than 300 Wait from All Over the World Gathered to Meet, Exchange and Learn More About User Experience. It was a Thrilling Experience and a Great Opportunity for Everyone Involved, and we were amazed to confirm How Much Passion, Care […]
Workshops Mania series at the Plaine Images> March 20 to 24, 2019

For the second edition in Lille, Séries Mania again sets up its suitcases at the Plaine Images for the UGC Writers Campus! This writing in English language allows 20 writers to meet and work on their projects with experienced professionals. The goal is to offer participants a global understanding of dramaturgical issues and strategies […]
Cyber Group Studios, company of the Plaine Images, is the production of Tom Sawyer 2019!

The passiflore family, the chronicles of Zorro, Taffy or Zou, names that the young audience knows well. But then what about Tom Sawyer? If the parents remember, Cyber Group Studios him, takes up the challenge of making this classic discover to our brand new generation. Succeed in supporting Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, or the terrible […]
GAO#3: Meeting with Jean Guesdon around Assassin's Creed Origins - Discovery Tour

For the 3rd edition of Game All Over on June 5 at the Plaine Images, we have the honor to welcome Jean Guesdon, creative director - Ubisoft, who will introduce the professional day by evoking the educational ambitions of Assassin's Creed Origins: Discovery Tour . Jean has been working since his origin on the Ubisoft blockbuster license, and it was he who […]
Game UX Summit: 1st European edition at the Plaine Images> 04 April 2018

An event of international magnitude which takes stock of the latest trends in user experience in a concurrent industry: the video game the game ux summit, whose first editions were greeted by Epic Games US (2016) then by Ubisoft Toronto In 2017, is the only dedicated worldwide professional event (UX) […]
March 25 / 6.30 pm: What marketing for which new era?

We live in an uncertain world that sees it accelerating many mutations in the face of the crises we are going through. Societal and environmental issues are, among other things, at the heart of the challenges of today and tomorrow. In a world in search of benchmarks in which we speak more and more reason for being, value, […]