By Louise Blas - Loading & Prospective Watch in Plaine Images
Ubisoft reveals its conversational artificial intelligence
Ubisoft recently lifted the veil on a major technological innovation which could soon make its arrival in the productions of the French publisher: the NPC neo, non -players characters (NPC) powered by a generative artificial intelligence, capable of interacting in time real with players. Fruit of a collaboration with Nvidia and Inworldai , this new technology aims to enrich the immersion in video games by providing the NPCs with reactions and dialogues that adapt to the actions carried out by the player, thus promising emerging stories and worlds of unequaled realism.
What contribution for video game production?
In addition to improving the game experience, this advance could also greatly contribute to reducing development costs, especially for the largest productions. In parallel, other giants in the sector also invest in conversational artificial intelligence in order to further personalize the player's experience. According to this trend, Microsoft has confirmed the development of an Xbox boosted at the AI with which players will be able to interact to obtain personalized assistance in order to obtain answers to their questions or request the reimbursement of a game.