Join the Take Off program - Lille incubator

How to properly prepare for your candidacy for incubation?

Do you have a business creation project in the creative industries sector?

The plain images incubator as European hub in this sector is the place to be. Since 2012, project leaders have taken advantage of the ecosystem to mature and grow their project.

1. What are the criteria to go into incubation?

The main criterion is to carry out a project consistent with the sector of activity of the plain Images incubator: the creative industries. We will therefore find projects directly linked to this sector such as video, animation, audiovisual or even MusicTech projects, ... If the project is not directly linked to the creative industries sector, it must still send it: by Example, the development of a mobile application for players. The purpose, for the incubator and for project leaders, is to be involved in the ecosystem: to participate and take advantage of it.

In addition to the sector of activity, each application is assessed on the following criteria: 

1. The development potential: The project must demonstrate its ability to grow quickly, to create value on its market and, in the end, jobs. The project will also have to be based on a viable economic model.

2. Innovation: whether technical, service, business model, process, marketing or even social, the project must provide a differentiating element on its market, that is to say vis-à-vis its competitors. For example, a product that provides higher performance, or new feature is an innovative product. If it is sold according to an original business model, it also has an innovation. Another example, if the product is built from revalued materials, here, we are talking about social innovation.

3. The maturity of the project: the project leader must not just present an idea or a concept. Projects must have already faced reality: whether market or technical or legal, a feasibility study must have been conducted to anticipate any barriers. The interest of such an approach is to demonstrate the involvement of the project leader and his mastery, at least theoretical, of his future environment.

4. The entrepreneur's profile: he must be able to carry out his project until the end, that is to say to have business skills or be able to seek them elsewhere. His involvement on the project, even his passion for the subject he will carry, will be assessed: he must be able to be intensely involved and over time.

To find out more about the Take Off program

2. How to apply for the Take-off incubation program?

First of all, the project leader will have to validate by himself his ability to undertake. Beyond the capacities necessary for the realization of the project, the question must be asked vis-à-vis his personal situation: indeed, for a period of 12 to 36 months, the project leader cannot pay himself , and more particularly during the period preceding the creation of the company and therefore of incubation.

Then, just before applying, the first step is to take information on the incubation program. To do this, the Plaine Images offers a series of 3 Master Take Off approaching the following themes:

1. 10/25/2021 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.: everything to join the plain Images incubator

2. 16/12/2021 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.: What are the stages of creation?

3. 06/01/2022 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon: How to build your economic model and pit your project?

The interest of these Master Take Off, beyond the informative dimension, is to have a first contact with the Entrepreneurship team of the Plaine Images and to visit the Imaginarium building, where the incubator is located. These Master Take Off also allow, in a first approach, to validate, for the project leader, that the incubator, and the ecosystem that goes with it, is in line with his project.

Master Take Off #1: Know everything to join the plain Images incubator

This is followed by a file request which must be made on the website of the Plaine Images.


To request your application file,

This request for a file is followed by a qualification interview with one of the members of the Plaine Images entrepreneurship team. During this first conversation, the project leader presents his project, the reasons which are at the origin as well as his development objectives. Thus, a first assessment of the project / incubator adequacy is carried out orally between the project leader and the member of the Entrepreneurship team of the Plaine Images. According to the interview, a file model is sent, a file that will have to be returned supplemented to the team on the following email address:  . For the Takeoff 12, the deadline for deposit is set for Sunday January 16, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. To help build his response, the project leader may, if necessary, request an exchange with the entrepreneurship team in order to challenge their application.

Subsequently, the files undergo a preselection: the candidates selected are summoned to a selection committee during which they will have the opportunity to pitch their project before a jury made up of entrepreneurs, funders or even institutional. The pitch lasts 10 minutes followed by 10 minutes of exchanges. It is at this point that it will be necessary to seduce the jury and above all demonstrate its ability to carry the project: that is to say from an idea to transform it into a business project.

Finally, selected project leaders are summoned to Kick-Off, scheduled for February 02, 2022 for this Take OFF 12. During the day, the new promotion of incubated will discover in more detail the incubation program, the team Plaine Images, Programming,… Kick-off will also be an opportunity for incubated to get to know each other and thus start to create links.

Apply to join our incubation program and be part of the next promotion!
