Fabuly: the new app which revolutionizes learning English through literature

By Sarah Bastien - Communication manager at Plaine Images

Plaine Images is proud to count among its incubated projects Fabuly , an application which offers specific support for learning English through reading and listening to great English classics. With "The Call of the Wild" by Jack London, " Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen or "Tarzan of the Apes" by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Shakespeare's language will have no secrets for you.


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English fab

If we were to be honest, France does not hold the top of the ranking for its mastery of the English language. Poorly classified in mastery of English according to the EF English PRAINCICY INDEX.

Aid to learn English learning swarm on blinds. Mastodons like Duolinguo, Babel or Memrise lead the game on the apps market. And yet we could ask ourselves the question, a few minutes a day are really enough to learn a new language?


My English teacher at high school would tell us not. BBC in the background to fall asleep and put the subtitles in English to watch your series and films. At the time putting the BCC as a lullaby seemed a little eccentric ...

It was a question of stimulating active listening by working the ears, to get used to the sounds and different accents of the language, to reproduce them more easily and detach from a French pronunciation.

It is also an opportunity to make our visual memory work, because seeing the words is soaking up their spelling and grammar which, in the case of English, does not necessarily follow the same logic as Its neighbor from across the Channel, France.

Positioning in addition to the already existing apps on the market , Fabuly offers you to work on this famous active listening using great classics of English literature. An app that has already attracted more than 20,000 people since its release this year.

Fabuly's story begins with Joseph , its founder, a former developer at Google in Zurich. During a trip to Japan, he is faced with the difficulty of finding, but also to transport books in English. He then imagines a solution allowing to easily access works in the public domain, whether in reading, by proposing listening to the work in synchronization with its reading.

Listening Active by Fabuly / Fabuly to read and listen to classics in English.

FabULY is a mobile application that offers immersive experience, allowing users to read and listen to classic works in English simultaneously. The application offers a wide selection of literary masterpieces such as Sherlock Holmes, Dracula, Frankenstein, or The War of the Worlds, as well as timeless authors like Jack London, Edgar Allan Poe and Jane Austen.

One of Fabuly's peculiarities lies in his neat editorial selection. Each book is meticulously chosen by the team, which also ensures the quality of audio recordings. In addition, the application stands out for its modernized books covers, specially created to offer an attractive visual experience.

A clear and ambitious mission

Joseph thus sums up the vision of the company: “Our mission is to make classic literature accessible to all by offering an immersive experience which allows you to read and listen to books and news at the same time, and this, in a way fun, and with a free version. »»

This innovative approach already seduces many users. One of them testifies:


"A wonderful application to read and listen to famous literary masterpieces for free or discover less known gems. The selection of books is varied, and I look forward to seeing more additions. The reading experience is Excellent and audio quality is remarkable, comparable to that of Audible! THANKS !"

A promising future

Joseph turns to the Take Off incubation program of the Plaine Images to develop and take off his project. Incubated in April, Fabuly is the perfect example of a project that combines technology and culture in order to meet a growing need.

Since its launch, Fabuly has already exceeded 10,000 downloads on Google Play Store and has been recognized as "product of the month" on Mobileppdaily. These positive feedback and this public interest are encouraging and show that Fabuly's approach meets a real need.

Within the workforce, changes should not be long in coming! To meet new expectations and missions, the team will grow, with the opening of a computer position, to complete the two marketing courses. Indeed, the team is continuously working to add new content, themes and features to enrich the user experience.

In summary ...

By combining technology, pedagogy and literary heritage, this start-up offers an effective and accessible solution to improve its level of English, while discovering the great classics of literature.

At Plaine Images, we are delighted to see Fabuly's positive evolution and we will continue to support them in their development within our innovation ecosystem.

Do you want to take a look at Fabuly? It's simple! The application is available for free on the Google Play Store and the App Store . Users can also visit the website www.fabuly.io or make their feedback directly at joseph@fabuly.io .
