Meet the candidates
on April 02, 2025 at 4 p.m.
Meet candidates looking for opportunities, students, and professionals monitoring creative industry jobs at Plaine Images and and network!
Plaine Images has been supporting your candidate sourcing for over 5 years with the Meetup Talents job dating event. Meetings outside the traditional framework to move away from stressful interviews and better discover your potential new hire.
This 11th edition invites you to propose disability-friendly opportunities and meet candidates with disabilities.
Not exclusive but inclusive!
Stand out
100% soft skills recruitment
Plaine Images and his partner Whip Up Labs offer you a different way to get to know candidates at Meetup Talents and to incorporate into their discussions, beyond skills, the behavioral competencies that are essential to evaluate for successful team integration.
Offered to candidates in this edition, the motivational CV is a reliable tool to directly access candidates' soft skills, an important element of modern recruitment.

Employment &
Training Experts
Take advantage of our specialized experts employment and training on site to answer your questions.
Find: Afdas , Agefiph , Apec , Atlas , Cap Emploi , France Work Totem , France Work Tourcoing , Lilagora - University of Lille, Mie du Roubaisis , Proch'Emploi
Round table - 2 pm
“Manage generations X, Y, Z: rupture or reconciliation? »»
Let us thwart prejudices to work better together!
X nihilist and cynical, insolent and unstable y at work, lazy and self -centered Z. Here are some of the prejudices that can be heard here or there on said generations. This round table proposes to get out of these received ideas in order to give keys to understanding these people in their professional context and proposals for action methods to make the intergenerational in companies a force rather than a brake. Between data from the Apec Observatories in particular, division of experiences and exchanges of good practices, this moment of exchange is intended to be pragmatic and constructive.
- With Jasmine Manet, co -founder and general manager of Youth Forever, the first NGO to work on the Triptych Transition/Youth/Company. Youth Forever is an association that informs and forming young and employers and promotes intergenerational cohesion to support the transformation of organizations.
- With David Mancino, Consultant Business for APEC (Association for the employment of executives) Hauts-de-France.
- With Fanny Telle, Mission Manager jobs for Apec Hauts-de-France.
- Please honor your registration.
Round table - 3 pm
"How to include people with disabilities in your HR policy? »»
In a context where diversity and inclusion become essential pillars of business success, it is crucial to rethink human resources practices.
This conference will address the challenges, challenges and best practices to effectively include people with disabilities in your teams.
Our speakers will approach:
- Legal obligations and incentives in favor of the inclusion of people with disabilities.
- Strategies to adapt your HR policy and your recruitment processes.
- Inspiring testimonies of professionals who have implemented inclusive initiatives in the cultural and creative industries.
- How to create a working environment accessible and favorable to the development of all your employees.
- This event is aimed at managers, HR managers, managers, and all professionals wishing to advance their business to a more inclusive culture.
- This conference will provide you with concrete tools to strengthen inclusion in your organization, improve your employer brand, and contribute positively to the company while respecting your legal obligations.
- With Sarah Minski, Responsibility for professional careers - Handicap mission of the performing arts and recorded - Audiens
- With Alexandre Bensoussan, in charge of Studies and Development - Agefiph HDF
- In the presence of: Afdas, Cap Emploi, Thalie Health, France Work
- Please honor your registration.
Job dating
registration form
Job dating recruiters registration form
Plaine Images, European hub dedicated to creative industries, is the main acceleration program where you can consolidate and accelerate your entrepreneurial project, multiply opportunities and optimize your network while benefiting from all the advantages of a remarkably inspiring and unique space in His genre!

Review of the latest editions

As part of Plaine Images mission, our team and HR partners organize the Meetup Talents job dating event twice a year.
Free of charge for both companies and candidates, we are available to inform, guide, and direct talents and recruiters in their efforts.
that recruit
displayed offers
ultra motivated candidates
successful recruitments