Music Tech: Everyone is looking for their supervisory model

Surface model

By Louise Blas - Loading & Prospective Watch in Plaine Images

For once, let us leave artificial intelligence aside to analyze another background blade which inspires dozens of Music Tech entrepreneurs: the segment of the surface and the direct-to-fans that it induces.

What is a great fan?

How to identify a surface? Luminate determines three essential criteria for the Ferrer:

👋 Its visibility : the surface is overinvested, especially on social networks and in fans communities. He likes, comments, analyzes, sur-anallysis and performer!

📢 The expression of his fan identity : he is a committed consumer (purchase of Merch, who came to concerts ...), because spending money is showing that we are a fan. To give an idea, 31% of the American Gen Z would like the artists to offer more MERCH options.

🍻 belonging to a community ( fan-to-fan ): Swifies , Little Monsters , Beyhive or BTS Army to name only four hyper-invested and united fandoms. The supervisor is good: he loves someone and he has money to spend to mean it. Enough to make it obsessive the industry that is struggling to offer it services under measure.

A startup ecosystem for Superfans

Even , fave , , trax , insidr music are some of the startups that invest the niche, but the historic actors are not to be outdone: Spotify says it is studying the creation of "superfront club", WMG builds its own app, Soundcloud Add direct messaging features, Universal Music Group is regularly expressed on this dimension ... It is the rush to a Eldorado not so easy to understand.

A balancingist game to attract superfans

Because a tension exists between monetizing these fans more and maintaining an authentic relationship with them. Labels seek to encourage these Die Hard Fans to consume more, while streaming platforms want to invest the trend to improve user retention. The new entrants are looking for heterogeneous levers (Web3, NFT, Drops of sounds in preview, co-creation, exclusivity, etc.) to offer sustainable and equitable income for artists. A balancingist game in a market where fans expect a lot of value to justify a monthly subscription ... Especially with the Fatigue Subscription that currently strikes consumers (which can be summed up in a limpid sentence: people are fed up Their request to pay separately different online services) many challenges therefore, but an enthusiasm to exploit this segment which remains high: the one who will understand the complexity of a real commitment and resolve the equation of the sustainability of this commitment will probably win the game.
