In 2009, a first transaction on a public blockchain marked the start of a new digital evolution allowing the transfer of peer -to -peer value and the creation of digital rarity.
In the music industry, various initiatives and use cases have been launched for several years such as sharing data and information traceability or even more recently the development of non -fungible tokens (NFT) which is not without lifting questions.
SACEM is one of the actors who explore these new trends, the potential of which opens up prospects in the music industry. During this session, after an introduction to blockchains and distributed registers, an overview of this ecosystem whose market continues to structure and develop will be set up.
Isabelle Pereira has been evolving in the music industry for over fifteen years. Currently project manager within the SACEM (Society of Authors, Composers and Music Editors), it is related to the startup ecosystem in order to identify and develop value -generating synergies for creators of music.
Isabelle Pereira also specialized in the blockchains, in which she perceives opportunities for artists and the whole of the music sector.

182,520 authors, composers and publishers chose SACEM to manage their copyright. Spokesperson for creators and trusted partner for music broadcasters, SACEM endeavors to promote all musical genres.
It contributes to the vitality and influence of creation around the world, by supporting cultural and artistic projects. In an environment in full mutation, the SACEM has continued to adapt its tools to meet the new challenges of the musical ecosystem and to guarantee its members and partners, a fair remuneration for the digital use of the works they told him. The IT strategy of SACEM is guided by innovation: by developing new services and experimenting with technologies ranging from blockchain to artificial intelligence.
The rapid evolution of our environment pushed the SACEM to anticipate all these massive changes. Via her unit dedicated to innovation, she supports digital projects, partnerships and cooperation to develop products and technological solutions at the service of music.