Perl: the application that makes e-sport accessible

By Sarah Bastien - Communication manager at Plaine Images

E-Sport, an exciting but dispersed universe: Squeezie raises the debate!

"It's not centralized in a single diffuser where there is not a media that really covers everything. In fact, it's very little accessible, that's what is really boring"

It was in his podcast micro-chausses on Youtube , that Lucas Hauchard alias Squeezie , the first influencer and youtubeur in France at the 17 million subscribers, recently shared his reflection on e-sport with his guests. He enabled himself to highlight a major challenge of the E-Sport universe: accessibility . And for good reason ... Between the diversity of teams, the multiplicity of competitions and the scattering of diffusers, following all of the live results can be much more complex than expected. Today, the only existing solution remains to learn by yourself about this diversity of present platforms, in total autonomy.
Without forgetting that this is a universe where visibility comes almost entirely from digital, in particular via livestreaming platforms like Twitch , as well as social networks. A fact that can strengthen this plurality of non -centralized information.
If Squeezie talks about this subject, it is knowingly when we know that he trained in April 2023 his e-sport club named Gentle Mates , alongside Gotaga and Brawks.
This problem, then raised by one of the most influential figures in French gaming , does not go unnoticed and today finds its answer with Perl: an application available to the Plaine Images, and which proposes to centralize the whole Contents of the e-sporting scene .
To download the application and discover now all the features offered, go to the AppStore and the Playstore .

From a part of Valorant to the genesis of the Perl project

The story of Perl begins on the Valorant servers, where Valentin Viguier and Nicolas Beille regularly find themselves to play. These two longtime friends, despite different professional careers-one in real estate, the other in the health sector-share the same passion for gaming and e-sport.

Playing video games is also a way for them to stay in remote contact. It is during one of their game, that an idea emerged: to create a centralized platform which would offer fans of e-sport an intuitive and complete experience . All via a tool that would allow you to follow tournaments, results, rankings, and even reruns and lives of the most popular games of games, such as League of Legends, Valorant, Rocket League, and many others.

After months of work, countless hours of exchanges, development and tests, Perl was born.

The enthusiasm and the rise of e-sport as an engine of Perl

What motivates all the more Valentin and Nicolas are the millions of spectators and players who are gathered around E-Sport games and competitions .

The figures testify in particular to this enthusiasm around the gaming which continues to grow. The recent semi-finals of the Worlds of League of Legends from October 26 to the Adidas Arena in Paris are a perfect illustration. No less than 39,000 participants and more than 10 million spectators around the world were united, a historic record for a semi-final.


This example only confirms the relevance of a solution like Perl, which meets an increasing need for centralization and accessibility , in view of the strong communities of existing fans around these games.

PERL's incubation to the Plaine Images and the development of the project

Valentin and Nicolas were welcomed at the Plaine Images within the Take Off Fabation . Currently in the second phase of this program, they are undergoing individual support of 6 to 18 months, aimed at transforming their idea into a concrete and viable business project.

“The program supported us with workshops given by professionals in the entrepreneurship and a network adapted to each of the projects present. The help and the relationships transmitted by the Plaine Images have made it possible to structure our dreams, our ideas, our project. ”

They first started to create with sketches, ideas written on pieces of paper: difficult to navigate in an environment which is not theirs at the origin. However, they quickly surrounded themselves with talented personalities to give life to their ambitions. Mattéo, a budding developer, was recruited to help and support them on the development of the application. A graphic designer also collaborated with the team to understand the project and meet the expectations of the two founders by offering a coherent visual identity.

Follow games present on the front of the e-sporting scene in real time?

Yes, it is therefore now possible . And for the future, Valentin and Nicolas have a clear and simple vision on the mission of Perl: to make the e-sport accessible to all, whether it is hardcore gamer or the curious amateur.

The team is currently working on the enrichment of the platform with regular updates, planning to integrate new games, exclusive features and strategic partnerships. This development reflects Perl's desire to adapt to the needs of a perpetual growth e-sport community .

Perl helps to structure a public sector, thus meeting a need expressed both by influential figures and by E-Sport enthusiasts.
