the program


Your Take Off Acceleration program

Your Take Off Acceleration program

The Take 0FS acceleration program of the Plaine Images, allows creators to test, check and continue to innovate. You will be able to analyze accompanied by experts, the viability of your idea on the market. It is 6 months support to prototyper and find your market!


plain acceleration


Personalized coaching

A monthly meeting (1h30) to follow the development of the company.

Rendez-vous on demand to support you on certain aspects of your projects (development plan, technical feasibility and development, market research, business plan, financing strategies, construction of forecasts, etc.).


Codev workshops

One to three codev workshops during the year.

Four to six experienced entrepreneurs challenges you and co-create your action plan for challenging your strategy and/or challenging a development problem.



for managers

Individually, in the identification of “talents” or innate operating modes.

With the entire management team in order to share the deep motivations, values ​​and talents of the group and to find the right positioning of each and secure your business project around a “moral” pact of associates.

the Plaine Images

The heart of Europe of creative industries, bringing together 150 companies, 3 schools, filming studios, and even more on an industrial site rehabilitated 5 hectares in Lille. Boost your business in this dynamic ecosystem!

5 hectares
entirely dedicated

creative industries

In the heart of the Lille metropolis.

Events and
places of life

With a rich event program: conferences, workshops, afterworks to meet ...


But also a bicycle room,
parking, showers ...

rooms offices
& coworking

Multifunctional spaces
dedicated to your needs.
