The independent video game studio CCCP becomes Ishtar Games

For its 16th anniversary, CCCP writes a new page in its history by becoming Ishtar Games

16 years ago, Matthieu , Christophe and Frédéric created the studio for the development of video games and serious games CCCP. In the first 5 years after its creation, the studio increased from 3 to 15 employees, all players, then put its suitcases in Lille and Bordeaux.

2021, the year of its 16 years, CCCP announces the title of the new chapter in their history: Ishtar Games !

For the occasion, the studio offers a new website , a new visual identity and a new Totem animal: the owl (which therefore replaces the penguin)!

But why Ishtar Games, name of a Mesopotamian deity? Matthieu Richez, founder of the studio, explains in News :

"The goddess of love and war ... The evocation of Ishtar makes me travel to a universe of fantastic epics filled with adventures and dramas, and that's exactly what we want to offer players through From our games, games that we want accessible, demanding and handcrafted, with love. We are super excited when approaching - very close - of the release of our third game, The Last Spell, and to make you discover our next titles! »»


(Re) known for its survival games "Dead in Bermuda" and "Dead in Vinland", the studio will therefore soon be released its 3rd game , " The Last Spell ", which is awaited impatiently!

By then, we subscribe to their twitter , we will read the first blog article by Matthieu Richez, and we take his pain in patience 😉
