Entrepreneurship in creative industries: why? HOW ?

By Angelina Condassa - Communication manager Plaine Images

The Plaine Images has continued in recent years to grow in recent years to accommodate new companies in the creative industries and thus feed new ambitions for the Hauts-de-France region and the Lille metropolis. L'arrivée récemment de la 4D , d' Atelier 801 , ou encore d' ArtFx (avec un nouveau campus prévu pour 2023 ) met en exergue la volonté commune de créer un écosystème riche au service de chaque entrepreneur.e de la Plaine.

On different scales but of equal importance, the new arrivals of our incubated. Es are also an important moment in the life of our ecosystem. Every 4 months, a new promotion decides to embark on entrepreneurship with us.

Aujourd'hui l' incubateur de la Plaine Images s'appuie sur son réseau pour accompagner du concept jusqu'à la création les porteurs et porteuses de projets. In 2020, 32 projects in the creative industries were welcomed at the Plaine Images.

Immerse yourself in the heart of the world of business creation, on a national, regional and plain Imagienne.

The creation of companies in boom in France

The health crisis did not discourage the French who wanted to embark on the entrepreneurial adventure . In 2020, business creation on the national territory reached a new record with 848,164 new registrations over the year , which represents an increase of 4% compared to 2019. The current economic context and the various reforms in favor of business creation, such as the right to the unemployed to create their structure while continuing to perceive their allowances, have made it possible to build what some people today call " an entrepreneurial nation " .

Ce chiffre s'accompagne d'un constat fort : la France est devenue le 1 er pays européen en termes de créations d'entreprises , et était le 1 er pays d'accueil des IDE en Europe en 2019 . Proof that French territory has a power of powerful attractiveness.

Innovation is not to be outdone , in particular since the creation of the French Tech in 2013, which aims to make France one of the most attractive countries for start-ups. Regional “subsidiaries”, like French Tech Lille , allow the grouping of innovative start-ups and the creation of decentralized attractiveness centers.

Hauts-de-France, a privileged territory for entrepreneurs

If all hexagon has experienced an increase in the number of registrations, the Hauts-de-France region has established itself as an important creative basin : 51,438 companies were created in Hauts-de-France in 2020, which represents 5% more than in 2019 (more than the national average). At least, 2,499 jobs were created in the region by the 1,275 new companies which employed at least one employee at the start of their activity in 2020.

The attractiveness of Hauts-de-France is anchored in its resolutely industrial past and the presence of numerous headquarters of large companies and ETIs such as SNCF , Auchan , La Poste , EDF , Leclerc , Decathlon or Intermarché . La région est la 2 ème plus dense du territoire après l'Île-de-France, avec 7% de la population totale habitant dans les villes de Lille, Tourcoing et Roubaix, ce qui représente un fort potentiel d'employabilité, combiné à une important educational offer; The region had 230,000 students and 36,100 apprentices in the 2019-2020 school year.

Its geographical location is an important marker of the attractiveness of the Hauts-de-France region , located with ideal distance from Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Luxembourg.


Support for incubator companies

Choosing to get started with the help of an incubator is choosing personalized support, which adapts to your needs and that will enrich your professional network, all for free , to allow you to grow in all serenity . Here , a full article on the main advantages to integrate an incubator . In 2019, 40% of companies declared that they had been supported during their creation/development.

The question of business sustainability is at the heart of current issues. Le taux de survie après 5 ans est de 87% pour les entreprises qui ont intégré un incubateur , contre 60% « seulement » en moyenne , toutes entreprises confondues. A guarantee of success therefore, which is largely explained by networking; Indeed, the incubation programs promote the exchange between project leaders and with mentors, creating a real community.

The plain Images incubator: 3 specialized courses, 100% creative industries

Located in the heart of Europe, within the European Metropolis of Lille, in an ecosystem of 1,800 employees, researchers and students, the plain images incubator is part of a will Certainly to develop innovation in the Creative Industries sector in Hauts-de-France by focusing on the support of projects.

An action that results in the development of three specialized courses : creative industries , video games and more recently, Musictech . Three tailor-made courses that meet the specific needs of each sector to best help you develop your project and apprehend the afternoon. The aim of the incubator is to provide support and concrete solutions to entrepreneurs , on subjects such as financing, provision of offices or national and international development; Subjects treated during round tables , workshops and experts , but also during events and webinars .

Example of an event that we organized with Corentin Orsini , Early-Stage investor, around the subject of fundraising:


Because we are aware of the quality of the actions that are developed within the incubator, we do not hesitate to call on project leaders in our editorial content , as during podcasts .


Entering the incubator of the Plaine Images in Hauts-de-France is integrating a rich ecosystem to bring your idea to a business creation, in the heart of Europe.



Just apply here for the incubation program of your choice.
